"Rainbow the Pony" is now being ridden!

Tracey Elliot-Reep

'Rainbow the Pony' enjoys going out on Dartmoor! this time with a little jockey. 

Rainbow the Dartmoor Pony has two books to her name! Her first book 'Rainbow the Pony' is her adventure as a foal and her second 'A Day on Dartmoor with Rainbow the Pony' is about her adventures on Dartmoor.

To see her other two books take a look at her latest book https://www.traceyelliotreep.com/collections/books/products/b08-a-day-on-dartmoor-rainbow-the-pony-paperback

And her first book as a very pretty foal https://www.traceyelliotreep.com/collections/books/products/b10-rainbow-the-pony-flexi-cover-book

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