Tracey Elliot Reep
B11 - Dex the Calf - Flexi-Cover Book
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The Dex the Calf book has 34 pages packed with beautiful photographs and illustrations.
a young boy loving the story of Dex!
The dimensions are: 16 x 19 cm (6 1/4 x 7 1/2 inches).
Tracey reads the story of Dex to you below.
Here are some sample pages for you to enjoy:
Dex is only a few days old and he belongs to Farmer Frank.
On the farm the cows like to stop at the river for a long drink.
Later Farmer Frank and Sam count the cows and he notices a calf is missing. The mother cow says to sheepdog Sam, "We can't find Dex!".
The cows over the stone wall look to see what all the noise is about. "Have you seen Dex?" the mother cow asks.
Sam and Gerty make a plan. "We must find Dex!" they agree.